Cassandra Tucker Brodie Talks Entrepreneurship, Camarbre
Makeup Launch, and Mentorship
She believes that mentoring starts at home as well. She has three beautiful children, Marcella 30, Breanna 28 and a 6 year old son Edward. Breanna is also an Engineer. Her 6 year old son is amazing and is already showing signs of genius.
Above to the left is Davonte Kasean Johnson a 13 year old fashion designer from Readville, MA that Cassandra has taking under her wings. Above on the right is Cassandra 5 year old son creating a robot his sister Marcella got him as a gift.
Her Husband is also a computer science graduate. He and his father owns a Software company and she has future plans to expand it into robotics. Cassandra stated, “We are a STEM family and we plan on changing the world.” Fashion isn’t her only entrepreneurship venture and we can’t wait to hear more.
Her oldest daughter Marcella has a great eye for high end fashion. She helps edit Camarbre designs and she created the logos for the company. Cassandra and her daughters are creating a more affordable label under the parent fashion company in 2021.
Cassandra believes entrepreneurship is vital for the growth of African Americans/Blacks wealth gap in this country. She also believes it is vital that we support our entrepreneurs businesses. In return our business should create superb services and products. She stated,“It's so crucial to treat your customer as you would want to be treated. That’s a basic human expectation and it should be easy to care about how a customer feels when they purchase from you.” Cassandra is not only an exceptional intellectual, but she really care about the human condition and how she can make change. Change is exactly what she represents. We need to have more diversity in STEM and the fashion industry, especially high end. She said,” I have not reached 1% of the things I plan on doing in the future.” With her capabilities and drive, I believe she will be a force to be reckoned with.
Below is a model wearing a custom Camarbre Jacket